Colonic Hydrotherapy
What is Colonic Hydrotherapy?
Colon hydrotherapy is a gentle internal bath that helps to clean the colon of waste, gas, mucous and toxins. It is a simple and safe treatment that involves the introduction of warm, filtered water into the colon, cleansing the bowel and giving it a soothing internal massage.
The waterworks in two ways: firstly, it cleans out waste in the colon, and secondly, it stimulates peristalsis which encourages proper bowel function, helping to return your digestive system to a more natural, healthy state.
What does a colonic treatment involve?
Your first appointment will usually last about an hour and a half and will include a consultation, medical questionnaire and a full explanation of the equipment and procedure.
A single-use disposable speculum is gently inserted and warm filtered water is gently introduced into the colon via the rectum. The abdomen is massaged at stages throughout the colonic, which can help loosen impacted waste and mucous which is then drained away discreetly. Herbs can be used to stimulate or relax the bowels depending on your bowels. Coffee or probiotic implants can be used after a colonic should a client request them. It is not painful and only slight cramping may occur when gas or waste want to be released.
I use a closed system machine which means the temperature and pressure is carefully controlled and clean filtered water is fed gently into the bowel and the water and waste is flushed out through a pipe, ensuring no fuss, no mess and no smells!
Various enemas can be used alongside your colonic treatment which are specifically tailored to each patient’s needs. Enemas are used for a variety of reasons.
Treatments and pricing
Classic Colonic
A single-use disposable speculum is gently inserted and warm filtered water is gently introduced into the colon via the rectum. The abdomen is massaged at stages throughout the colonic, which can help loosen impacted waste and mucous which is then drained away discreetly.
Herbal Enemas
Herbal enemas are an effective way to achieve healing effects. The active compounds in the herbs get absorbed by the intestinal walls and go directly into the bloodstream. Different herbal enemas are used depending on your individual needs.
Herbal enema is introduced during a colonic hydrotherapy treatment.
Up to 500ml of herbal preparation is inserted into the colon via the rectum. The client retains the herbal enemas for up to 15 minutes. The client relaxes whilst the treatment works.
Herbal enema is an add-on to the colonic hydrotherapy treatment and takes an additional 15 minutes to perform.
Probiotic Enema with Wheatgrass
Probiotic implants differ from normal probiotics, in that instead of being taken by mouth, the implanted probiotic is delivered directly into the colon in which they reside.
A high-strength probiotics with wheatgrass is introduced to the colon and will strengthen and reinforce the gut flora population and will restore the balance of beneficial bacteria.
Why use Wheatgrass in our enema?
Wheatgrass is full of nutrients and oxygen that the body can use. Wheatgrass cleanses the colon and is used as a detoxifier when given in an enema. Wheatgrass works with the liver by enhancing its antioxidant mechanism. It also helps to improve digestion and may help improve energy levels.
The treatment is best undertaken immediately after a colonic hydrotherapy treatment.
Coffee Enemas
During the enema, organic, ground coffee is retained in your bowel, allowing the fluid to enter the liver through the intestinal wall. This stimulates the liver to produce more bile (which helps to digest and break down fats) and allows the liver and gall bladder to eliminate toxins into the colon for elimination.
The active ingredients in the coffee stimulate the production of the chemical glutathione, a strong cleansing compound that helps to release the build-up of toxins in your body. A coffee enema also stimulates peristalsis in the colon, which may help improve constipation and strengthening of the colon.
When doing a coffee enema, you are required to retain the coffee for 12-15 minutes. During this time, the body's entire blood supply passes through the liver 4-5 times and carries out toxins picked up from tissues in the body.
The procedure takes an additional 30 minutes.
Benefits of coffee enemas include:
Supporting liver detoxification
Supporting fat digestion
Reduce constipation
Reduce fatigue
Benefits of Having a Colonic Hydrotherapy
Better Nutrition Adsorption
Clearer Skin
Less Toxin Absorption
Less Bloating and Gas
Weight Loss
Increased energy
Regular Bowel Movements
Mental Clarity